Locked-in syndrome - life taken away in a moment
(too old to reply)
2012-12-19 06:06:18 UTC
Most healthy people don't talk about the disabled. They don't even think
about them. It is too scary to discuss issues related to them and they
generally run away from the subject. It is frightful to see them, and
even more so to learn about them. And it is even more scary when the
person is a quadriplegic.

What if the person in question is one of the few in the world who
suffers from a locked-in syndrome? The Australian Peter Blundy had
everything life could offer and in a flash of the moment all were gone.

Left as a quadriplegic he had to make sense of life again. And rather
than seeking to die he decided to tell his life story.

Read about this dear friend here, beautifully co-authored with his
brilliant and very talented speech therapist, Katrine Elliott. The best
to follow the story through the category menu on the left.

Robert Miles
2014-01-23 22:21:27 UTC
On Wednesday, December 19, 2012 12:06:18 AM UTC-6, Hieron wrote:

I've read of one person who recovered from locked-in syndrome. I don't know how common this is.

The syndrome started while he had a rather young daughter. He spent much of his time watching her and imitating what she did as she learned to move her body. A slow method, but it worked for him.